Saturday, December 12, 2009

I was reading about Ratu Apolosi Ranawai where some people are lying about what he said especially criticisms because Ratu Apolosi Ranawai was a chief of Nadi back then, and greedy people chased him out of his home in Nadi. His business was a success and people who were jealous back then lied about what he said. In this world if one is successful., some jealous people will always find a way to bring you down.. Ratu Apolosi Ranawai prophecied and he once said that we should save as much as we can and now we are facing the recession period.
People should be careful of liars and they can come in any form like what happened to Ratu Apolosi Ranawai.

Ratu Aplosi Ranawai did not die in New Zealand, he was taken to an island in Fiji where he disappeared. I do not know who wrote the article in 2002 saying he died in New Zealand because we in Fiji knew that Ratu Apolosi Ranawai was taken to another island in Fiji where he dissapeared or am I wrong.